Heads Apart?

Heads Apart?

Latest Episodes

What is the point of aid?
March 25, 2021

The post What is the point of aid? appeared first on Bright Blue.

Is it time for a UBI?
February 01, 2021

The post Is it time for a UBI? appeared first on Bright Blue.

Does Number 10 need a new approach?
December 07, 2020

The post Does Number 10 need a new approach? appeared first on Bright Blue.

Trump v Biden: Who’s best for Britain?
November 02, 2020

The post Trump v Biden: Whos best for Britain? appeared first on Bright Blue.

The future of UK-China relations
September 03, 2020

This edition of ourHeads Apart?podcast asks whether the BBC is broken. We are joined by Tim Stanley, leader writer for The Telegraph and contributing editor for Catholic Herald, and Douglas Carswell, former Member of Parliament (2005-17) and co-founder

Is the BBC broken?
May 01, 2020

This edition of ourHeads Apart?podcast asks whether the BBC is broken. We are joined by Tim Stanley, leader writer for The Telegraph and contributing editor for Catholic Herald, and Douglas Carswell, former Member of Parliament (2005-17) and co-founder

Should government intervene to save failing businesses?
March 10, 2020

This edition of ourHeads Apart?podcast asks whether government should intervene to save failing businesses. We are joined by Giles Wilkes, Senior Fellow at the Institute for Government, and Madeline Grant, Assistant Comment Editor at The Telegraph.Our

Where does Britain go next: the US or the EU?
February 01, 2020

This edition of ourHeads Apart?podcast asks where does Britain go next: the US or the EU? We are joined by Dr Alan Mendoza, Director of the Henry Jackson Society, and Sam Lowe, Researcher at the Centre for European Reform.Our new Deep Dive feature see

Should we be worried about social media?
January 17, 2020

This edition of ourHeads Apart?podcast asks if we should be worried about social media, particularly the effect it is having on young people? We explore and discuss the impact of social media on young people, the role that the law can play, and where t

Election 2019: understanding the polls
December 05, 2019

This special edition of our Heads apart? podcast looks at the current state of the election. We explore why the polls are suggesting a considerable Conservative lead, what is similar and what is different compared to 2017, and what long-term political tre
