Successful Investing: Timeless Advice

November 21, 2020

Can investing be simple? Can we stop worrying about what’s happening on Wall Street, in Washington, with Fed policy, inflation, corporate earnings, and numerous other headline-making concerns? Can we just get on with our lives and still invest successfully?
According to this week’s guest, the answer is yes, and we shouldn’t even care what the market is doing.
What should we care about? How should we invest? That is the focus of this week’s exclusive WEALTHTRACK interview.
Our guest is Charles Ellis, the author of the investment classic WINNING THE LOSER’S GAME, available now in its 2017 7th edition. Ellis is the author of 16 other books including the recently published 10th-anniversary edition of THE ELEMENTS OF INVESTING, co-written with his good friend, Princeton economics professor Burton Malkiel.
Ellis is a globally recognized financial thought leader, investment consultant, and advisor to governments, institutions, and endowments. He also cares deeply about helping investors succeed, as he puts it “winning the loser’s game.” He will help us do that this week.
WEALTHTRACK #1721 broadcast on November 20, 2020

More info: https://wealthtrack.com/timeless-strategies-for-successful-investing-from-legendary-investment-consultant-charles-ellis/

WINNING THE LOSER’S GAME (2017 edition): https://amzn.to/379ODOP

THE ELEMENTS OF INVESTING: https://amzn.to/2UL96Dz
