WEALTHSTEADING Podcast investing retirement money stock market & wealth

WEALTHSTEADING Podcast investing retirement money stock market & wealth

Latest Episodes

Four Specialty Stocks that no one’s heard of
April 11, 2022

Episode 367:  The markets remain volatile but there are still plenty of stocks that I like, including these four stocks that I’ve owned for over a year:  FLS, ITGR, MHH & VPG. ---------------------

S&P 500 at support while volatility spikes
April 08, 2022

Episode 366:  The S&P 500 is sitting on very strong support at the convergence of its 100dma & 200dma but this week volatility spiked back up…should you be concerned? -----------------------------

Suddenly…everyone loves TWITTER
April 05, 2022

Episode 365:  Two thoughts on how to invest without reacting to every kneejerk headline or avoiding what you personally don’t like. ------------------------------------------------------

How to invest $1000 to make Quick & Easy money
April 01, 2022

Episode 364:  Happy April Fools’ Day ------------------------------------------------------

Inverted Yield Curve predicted 9 of last 2 Recessions
March 31, 2022

Episode 363:  Recessions generally follow an inverted yield curve, but not every inverted yield curve proceeds a recession. ------------------------------------------------------

Why bond funds are losing money
March 28, 2022

Episode 362:  Contrary to the Wall Street myth, bonds and specifically bond funds are not “safe”.  There are a number of risk factors, and today’s dominant risk is a rising interest rate environment.

Oil prices causing demand destruction muted by wealth effect
March 23, 2022

Episode 361:  Consumer demand destruction is likely to be muted because households have significant amounts of wealth in their home and stock portfolio. --------------------------------------------

The good times are over for good
March 22, 2022

Episode 360:  Today on my birthday, join me in a sarcastic cynical reflection of the good old days of an America that’s gone forever. ------------------------------------------------------

What’s the Petrodollar? A myth
March 19, 2022

Episode 359:  The petrodollar scare tactic is circulating again.  Hide your wife…hide your kids ! ------------------------------------------------------

What’s really causing inflation?
March 18, 2022

Episode 358:  Inflation isn’t synonymous with Higher Prices.  If the FED isn’t fully responsible for higher prices, they also can’t be the sole source of the solution. -----------------------------
