"You Don't Know Crazy"

"You Don't Know Crazy"

Holiday Stress? No Thank You -YDKC42

November 12, 2013

I talk about the coming holidays and how stressful holidays can be. I also state that unlike taxes, we don't have to do holidays. We can choose to celebrate or not celebrate in a manner that feels good to us.

I also speak about the fact that that I was raised in a Baptist church and our family celebrated Christmas. I talk about the anger I felt when I found out my gifts didn't come from Santa. I felt betrayed by adults and never trusted them the same after that. I vowed that when I grew up and I had children I would never tell them the Santa lie. My children and I enjoyed Christmas and the Christmas stories. However, I always told them that when they get a gift it is because someone loved them enough to share something wonderful with them.

Let everyday be a holiday. We don't have to wait for someone to tell us when to give gifts to our friends or give something thing back ti those in need. Celebrate everyday in your special way.
