"You Don't Know Crazy"

"You Don't Know Crazy"

Tony Awards Winners vs Losers

June 09, 2013

It is June 09, 2013. Today is Sunday. Today is a very special Sunday for the New York City Broadway Community. This evening the 2013 Tony Awards event will happen. I’m sure most of you are aware of the Tony Awards. It is Broadway’s answer to the Oscar’s.

When I hear about award shows, I think of winners and losers. Although somewhere during an award show, someone says "All of the nominees are winners". Yet, only one person walks away with the little statue.

I love the theater and I don’t like the thought of anybody being a loser. Many times, when an actor goes through the audition process, I believe they deserve some amount of recognition. Usually after an award show, I hear people saying things like. "She lost." Or, "He didn’t win anything!" I always want to inject, "There are no losers!"

An award show is a media event. The competition between shows and actors create excitement and curiosity. The show promotes New York City, Broadway and it’s current stars. Everyone who makes Broadway work is a winner.



Wambui Bahati: inspirational speaker, motivational speaker, humorist, entertainer, Author ---- www.wambui-bahati.com

