VT Radio | Veterans Today

VT Radio | Veterans Today

Latest Episodes

TCK RADIO: “When They Shall Say Peace! Our Lord Warns Blessed Aiello What Is Next”
July 12, 2018


TCK RADIO: Worse Punishment Than WW3 or Planet X?
July 06, 2018

Join me as I discuss the reality of this apostasy and how it is far worse than any material chastisement that God could throw at us.

TCK RADIO: “12 messages given to Padre Pio by Jesus about the end of the world”
July 03, 2018

Not many know that Padre Pio among so many gifts had a very special one, that of prophecy and the Lord Jesus Christ himself.

TRUTH JIHAD: Freedom Flotilla is Heading for Gaza!
July 03, 2018

Once again, the Freedom Flotilla is attempting to break Israel's genocidal siege of Gaza.

TCK RADIO: “Woe To The Pastors That Destroy And Tear The Sheep”
June 26, 2018

Jesus warned the worst period of human sufferings is still ahead of us but why?

Speaking Truth to Empire: RussiaGate with Ray McGovern
June 25, 2018

Host Dan Yaseen interviews Ray McGovern about “Russiagate” and “FBI?DOJ-gate”.

TCK RADIO: “5 Talents of the New World Order”
June 21, 2018

TradCatKnight Radio, “5 Talents of the New World Order” Talk given 6-21-18 (aprx. 45 minutes) VISIT TRADCATKNIGHT.BLOGSPOT.COM DAILY! TCK PODCASTS ARE NOW ON ITUNES, GOOGLEPLAY &PLAYER.FM Join me as I discuss how the new world order operates to deceive...

TCK RADIO: “Passing Of Planet X & The Paganistic Connection”
June 19, 2018

Francis is "going green" for more than one reason...Join me as I discuss how the New World Order is capitalizing on the passing of Planet X.

TRUTH JIHAD: Brian Ruhe interviews Kevin Barrett on “The Jewish Question”
June 16, 2018

In 2015 Brian Ruhe was witch-hunted by Bnai Brith and fired from his job teaching Buddhist Studies at Capilano University for speaking out about Jewish power and questioning the victors’ sacred narrative of World War II.

TCK RADIO: “Why Didn’t Father Malachi Martin Reveal The Real 3rd Secret?
June 14, 2018

Join me as I discuss what some many traditionalist's are asking these days especially those new to breaking free from the Novus Ordo.
