Visions of the New Earth

Visions of the New Earth

The Empowerment Game - Guides Masterclass

March 02, 2024

I am seeking to connect with individuals in the personal development field, particularly those focused on mental reprogramming. This includes life coaches, spiritual advisors, counselors, therapists, psychiatrists, doctors, teachers, and more.

I have developed a process that guides individuals through understanding reality creation, conflict management, and a remarkably simple belief reprogramming technique. Additionally, it delves into recognizing disempowering roles we and others play, offering insights on how to transition to empowering ones.

I am seeking individuals who can assist in sharing and facilitating this process, both on an individual basis and through group coaching. The primary goal is to change the trajectory of humanity by upgrading the programming of individuals and the collective. It is my belief that by altering our programming, we can change the world.

Currently, the process is tailored for adults. However, I am actively working on adapting it into a classroom-based model suitable for children and teens. The younger version, themed around Harmony Hills, addresses challenges faced by young children, while the teen version draws inspiration from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.

Furthermore, I am developing a script for a television series that brings this program to life. The series follows the everyday superhero journey of two families striving to rescue their abducted children (named Freedom, Destiny, and Joy) using special "superhero" glasses. These glasses aid in navigating the world by reading emotions, thoughts, and reactions, providing prompts to guide the parents towards their goal.

While the process is currently available in English, I am open to collaborating with individuals interested in translating and supporting it in other languages.

I continuously receive insights from the Akashic Records that I believe can profoundly alter the course of our world for the better. Recognizing the magnitude of this task, I acknowledge that I cannot achieve it alone, hence the need for collective support.
