Vineyard Church Greater Portland Sunday Talks

Vineyard Church Greater Portland Sunday Talks

Latest Episodes

The Power of Our Words
August 26, 2018

Better Together
August 19, 2018

One of our motto's here at Vineyard Church is that we are Better Together! Why do we believe that? Is there any support for that in scripture?

Created For Good Works
August 12, 2018

Do you want to hear something amazing? We were created for good works! We were created to do good things!

Hope for Life
August 05, 2018

Where do we find hope in this world? This world looks to people, governments, organizations, pastors, priests, churches, communities for hope yet there is only one place to find it!

Safe and Secure in the Father’s Hand
July 17, 2018

Safety and security are two of our most important basic human needs that we constantly seek to maintain. So often we look for safety and security in people or things that ultimately cannot provide that for us!

Faith That Perseveres
July 10, 2018

What does a persevering faith look like? How can we possess a faith that perseveres through every season?

Fruitfulness from Affliction
June 12, 2018

Joseph experienced great affliction at the hand's of his brothers but fruit was born from that and ultimately God used his trial for his victory!

The Holy Spirit Changing the World
May 30, 2018

The Holy Spirit is changing the world! The presence and power of the Holy Spirit is visible in the hearts of the followers of Jesus! And through us the Holy Spirit is changing the world!

Come, Holy Spirit
May 20, 2018

"Come Holy Spirit" is a phrase that was used regularly by John Wimber who was a pivotal figure in the beginning stages of the Vineyard movement. What does that phrase mean?

Signs, Wonders, and the Holy Spirit
May 15, 2018

What are signs and wonders? What do they have to do with the Holy Spirit? How can we recognize them when we see them?
