March 29, 2017

A reading of the first half of Chapter 15, “HIGH SCHOOL” from the memoir, “No Tears for my Father” 
Vigaland Book Podcast #17 of the Memoir, “No Tears for my Father”
Entering high school was as big an event back in the sixties as it is today. Life-changing in fact…but not as much for me as I hoped it would be. Why I thought that starting high school might change my situation at home eludes me. Perhaps it’s the hope that any unhappy, sexually abused teenager carries in her heart that she might somehow be rescued from the hell she lives with at home. 
With that thought, I was keen to begin the next 5 years at Loretto College School (Brunswick Ave, Toronto), despite the near-black itchy serge uniforms and plastic collar and cuffs we had to wear daily. What I welcomed even more was being away from home for longer hours, especially in light of the fact that I had to leave home early enough in the morning to travel the streetcars and buses to school, over an hour in transit. That meant my father had less time, sometimes no time, to rape me in the mornings before I got ready to leave. 
Unfortunately, as abusers do, my father found a way around not being able to get his morning dose of my body. How did he do it?
That is what you will hear about in today’s Podcast of the first half of Chapter 15 from my memoir, ““No Tears for my Father”. His new approach was clever and continued to keep my mother in the dark about what was happening between her husband and her daughter. 
The next podcast, #18, will bring you the second half of that chapter, and detail why “home” and “bed” were anything but happy places for me. 

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