February 13, 2017

Vigaland Book Podcast of the Memoir, “No Tears for my Father” – Chapter 11
Today, February 13, 2017, is my birthday. I’ve now lived 71 years. But for 13 or more years of those 71 years, I was sexually abused by my biological father. 
They say, over time, memories dim; pain eases; nightmares fade. It’s true. But no matter what, no matter how busy our lives have become, no matter what we’ve done, where we’ve gone, who we’ve loved, some memories never fade and some nightmares are never forgotten. 
Here I am, reasonably well healed and long past what began happening 60 years ago. But you know what? I still remember vividly the nightmares than began shortly after the sexual abuse started. And they repeated themselves over and over again well into my 20’s, 30’s and even decades after all the abuse ended and my parents had died. 
You see, you never fully forget. Never. 
Some memories don’t fade. 
Some nightmares are indelibly buried in the depths of your psyche. 
As I’ve said a million times during my book talks and discussions with other victims of childhood sexual abuse: you never really do fully get over “it”!
Today’s podcast is quite unpleasant. As always, I’ve told it exactly like it is. If you prefer to read the book, NO TEARS FOR MY FATHER, just click that link. Maybe you’ll come away thinking as this reader did who wrote me this beautiful email today:
“I just finished reading your novel NO TEARS FOR MY FATHER . Your heart wrenching story captured me right from page one. You have done an amazing job relating the indescribable and painful experiences you endured at the hands of your father who no doubt had serious issues of his own. Your story is filled with powerful feelings, and emotions. It breaks my heart to know that you and many others have had to endure these terrible experiences at the hands of someone who is suppose to love and care for you. You are to be commended for sharing your story with all of us. I couldn’t put it down and finished it in one day. It far surpasses any book I have ever read. And congratulations to that wonderful man who saw you for the beautiful person you are inside and out, and gave you a life filled with love and happiness. Many many thanks for telling your story so candidly.”
Receiving an email like that on my birthday is a reason to celebrate today. I can’t thank the writer and all who purchase my book, read and leave me a review enough. Thank you all so much. 
©Viga Boland
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