February 03, 2017

Vigaland Book Podcast of the Memoir, “No Tears for my Father” – Chapter 10

When you are introduced to sex at an early age by your own father, whom you fear in every way, graduation from Incest 101 to Advanced sex education doesn’t take long, especially when your father is the kind who expects his daughter to excel in everything, as mine did. 
If I brought home a math test on which I scored 98%, my father’s response was 
“It’s only 98%! What’s good about that? It should be a hundred. You’ll need to do better than that, my girl, if you’re ever going to get anywhere!”
So, when it came to my sexual performance in bed, there was no room for taking too long to learn. He just couldn’t see why I was having so much trouble with the subject of incest:
“What’s wrong with you for heaven’s sake! You’re big enough down there now. You’re not a baby anymore. You should be wanting this for yourself. Why do you fight me so much? If you’d just relax, you’d make it easier for both of us. Now, relax!”
Oh the irony! Make it easier for both of us? Like I was in this situation because I wanted to be? He dragged me kicking and screaming into a class I never wanted or dreamed of attending and where he was both the principal and homeroom teacher. Advanced Sex education for 11-year-old dummies! 
Listen to Vigaland Book Podcast # 12 by clicking on the player above or by subscribing to VIGALAND PODCASTS on i-Tunes, Stitcher and/or Google. 
Don’t want to wait for the podcasts? Purchase your copy of “NO TEARS FOR MY FATHER” directly from the author’s own bookstore, in softcover, Kindle or ePub now!
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