October 06, 2016

After much deliberation and hesitation, I have decided to finally offer a podcast of my first memoir, NO TEARS FOR MY FATHER. Those familiar with my book will remember that it is a true story of incest. My decision to podcast this book is based on my hope that hose who have not been able to afford to purchase a copy, or unable to read it, will at least be able to listen to it.
Of all the books I have written and self-published, NO TEARS FOR MY FATHER has been the “hot seller”. I’ve lost count of how many printed copies have been purchased, both from my site and through other online distributors. Digital sales continue to go through the roof. As an author, this is very pleasing. As a victim of incest, it’s very sad. It is proof again, as are the number of views of my YouTube Trailer, and the thousands of visits to my “Out from Under Incest” Blog of the huge interest in this subject. It’s a pretty sure bet that most of those visits and views are from victims seeking information and reassurance that they are not alone.
And so follows this decision to finally podcast my book, my true memoir of incest, NO TEARS FOR MY FATHER. I don’t have the finances to create an audiobook of my story so I’m trying to make it available to those who prefer to listen. At least this way, it’s affordable: it’s FREE.
I’d like to say “enjoy listening” but a good deal of NO TEARS FOR MY FATHER is not enjoyable. But there are lighter moments in the book and it does have a happy ending. So tune in, tell your friends, and listen to an author read her own story for you. Thanks for tuning in.
Podcast #1 begins with a couple of my poems that explain how I wrote this book by listening to ‘My Muse” and briefly touches on the positive benefits of “coming out from under incest” as I did publicly by writing this book. We then get into the first half of Chapter 1, which provides my background growing up in Australia.
