Verge of the Fringe

Verge of the Fringe

Shine a Light on Palm Trees

October 27, 2019

Anyways Dude, the recent Shine a Light exhibition at Descanso Gardens, specifically the multi-media installation, inspires me to want to do my own collaborative exhibit featuring my beloved palm trees. CHARACTERS: Carole Kim, Bobby Doran, Alex Schaefer,D.J. Bonebrake,X (the band), Diana Bonebrake, Reese Witherspoon, Individual 1 LOCATIONS: Walter Reed Junior High School, San Fernando Valley, LAX, Rose Bowl, Studio City Park MOVIES/TV: Election PODCASTS/PODCASTERS: audio drama,Dan Klass STUFF: Santa Ana winds, Facebook, fireworks, plein air painting, garden sprinkler, chemtrails,forgiveness,climate change SOUNDS: echo,wind, planes, helicopter, birds GENRE: storytelling,personal narrative, personal journal PHOTO: "Descanso Palms" shot on my "new" iPhone6 RECORDED: October 26, 2019 on the observation deck at the Zane Grey Estate in Altadena,California GEAR: MarantzSolid State Recorder PMD670, Sennheiser MD 46 microphone DISCLAIMER/WARNING: Proudly presented rough, raw and ragged. Seasoned with salty language and ideas. Not for most people's taste. Please be advised. "Lance Anderson tells anecdotes with stunning fragmented and cluttered feeling." - Hanna Fahl of Dagens Nyheters (Google translation of Sweden's daily newspaper)
