VenturePoland™ Podcast

VenturePoland™ Podcast

Latest Episodes

VPP019 - 5 steps to hire and manage a remote team
December 04, 2019

Today I share some of our key findings about how to hire and manage a remote team. Our business is not at all about technology but I think we do have some interesting things to share. Enjoy and make sure to leave a comment! Visit for

VPP018 - AI sales process automation with Tomasz Wesołowski
November 20, 2019

AI powered voice assistants will soon dominate our lives. Not only at home but mainly for all the professional activities. Today we will discuss a great example of a system that can help with sales process automation. Please say hello to

VPP017 - Turquoise Startup with Mateusz Jarus
November 04, 2019

What is culture? Who creates one? Is it top down or bottom up? What's the difference between a big and small organisations culture? And most importantly why we could all learn something from a turquoise startup? This and much more in todays episode! Enjoy

VPP016 - Expanding your business into the UK with Maciej Barański
October 16, 2019

The doors are open and you're still trying to overcome your headaches on your own. Ask for help. There are people out there who are waiting, and they know the answers. Sometimes it's really that simple. In todays episode, together with Maciej Barański we

VPP015 - Don't be afraid of VC money with Michał Kautsch
October 01, 2019

VC money and startup founders are like fishermen on a boat. Someone owns the boat, others have nets and rods, someone else may know where and how to fish. Just look at them, they're a team at the and of the day. Should one be afraid to ask others for help

VPP014 - How to use LinkedIn for B2B sales? Part 1
September 18, 2019

Finally I've managed to record something meaningful and I can't wait to hear your opinions about this episode. I'll talk today about how to use LinkedIn properly. I'm not an expert here but after using it for around 6 months, it seems to me that by just f

VPP013 Why brand is important with Aga Jóźwiak
June 27, 2019

What brand means to businesses and why it's so important? Today we have Aga Jóźwiak from ClickMeeting in the show talking about the importance of branding, communications and customer success. Check them out and see what's missing at your end. Seriously!

VPP012 Stop wasting money on exhibitions
June 13, 2019

Sales and marketing are like yin and yang and we all agree that money has to be spent in order to drive growth of any organisation. But when it comes to trade shows something just went wrong and it seems like only few do it right. Today I'd like to share

VPP011 When technology and fun unite with Arkadiusz Śmigielski
May 30, 2019

Who says technology is boring? Who says it's only for the computer geeks and Elon lovers? Ok... we all know it's actually the opposite. Engineering is a big playground for so many of us, engineers. The real fun begins when the big boys come to pay for you

VPP010 How to sell without selling?
May 08, 2019

This time it's just me. No guests today! It's episode number 10 so I thought that I should give you some heads up on how was it so far when it comes to recording my podcast. It's been great but it definitely takes more time than I originally anticipated!
