Vegalicious | Get the Body and Health You'll Love

Vegalicious | Get the Body and Health You'll Love

How to Live a Healthy Life with Type 1 Diabetes and Cure Type 2 Diabetes

October 17, 2016

Among innumerable, debilitating health conditions Type 1 Diabetes is one of the worst. Why? Because it is an autoimmune disease and cannot be cured. At all. Ever! Side effects of these viscous disease include, but not limited to: - Thirst and dry mouth - Frequent urination - Fatigue - Dry warm skin - Nausea and vomiting and stomach pain - Deep and rapid breathing sometimes with frequent sighing - Confusion and decreased consciousness And can culminate to neuropathy, heart attacks, strokes, hypo- and hyperglycemia, kidney damage, infertility, blindness and even amputations and early, painful death. For decades doctors have believed and told their patients that there is NOTHING, outside of insulin injections and minor dietary modification, that can be done to control T1D symptoms and progression of the disease. Good thing that they are wrong! Because it is possible to live a healthy, fulfilling life with Type 1 Diabetes, if you do certain things. Today I have a guest, who is also my dear friend, who has lived with T1D for 35 years successfully. You will LOVE hearing her success story--how she is able to live a full life, without "normal" T1D symptoms, because she decided not to fall victim to diabetes, and took charge of her well-being through diet and lifestyle modifications.
