Distilling Venture Capital

Distilling Venture Capital

Latest Episodes

How Do VCs Make Decisions?
March 13, 2017

Elizabeth Yin of 500 Startups Pulls Back the Curtain on VC Decision Making

How To Pitch Startup Investors
March 01, 2017

Advice from Fred Wilson, Rob Go and Hyde Park Angels about successfully pitching your startup to investors

What Does A Co-Founder Actually Do?
February 01, 2017

Mark W King discusses what Satya Patel of Homebrew Ventures, Steve Blank of lean start-up fame and Aaron k Harris of Y-Combinator say about start-up founders, co-founders and founding teams.

How Do Venture Capitalists Really Make Money?
January 01, 2017

How do VCs make money? More importantly, why should you care? In this episode of Venture Capital Voicemail, I look at what 3 VCs say about how their funds generate amazing returns.

Can Start-ups Raise Too Much Money?
July 06, 2016

Newman doesn't understand why a start-up wouldn't raise some extra capital for a buffer. Victor explains his view and points Newman to a post by Mark Suster of Upfront Ventures.

Why Do Start-ups Need A VC Champion?
July 05, 2016

Victor explains to Newman why start-ups pitching venture capital firms need a VC champion from inside the firm.

What's A Venture Capital Voicemail?
July 05, 2016

Mark W King introduces his new podcast Venture Capital Voicemail, a semi-fictional show where a fictional venture capitalist shares very non-fictional articles, audio and video content to help investors, entrepreneurs and start-up teams succeed.

Know When To Fold ‘Em - The Venture Capital Coroner's Report
October 02, 2015

My interviews with venture capital’s most successful failures have proven that the sage old advice from Kenny Rogers still applies: “Ya gotta know when to hold ’em, know when to fold ’em, know when to walk away and know when to run.

Jeff Novich On What Made His Start-up Fail At Launch - The Venture Capital Coroner's Report
July 14, 2015

Jeff Novich can spot opportunity. His Dad’s medical practice was drowning in paper. Jeff created a solution that was a massive home run for his dad. But in less than a year Jeff walked away in frustration. Find out what he learned from failing fast.

Co-founders, Paparazzi & Family...Oh My! Nikki Durkin on Start-up Relationships - The Venture Capital Coroner's Report
June 11, 2015

What were you doing when you were 18? Nikki Durkin was finding co-founders, doing the Y-Combinator thing, raising venture capital, dealing with reporters, replacing co-founders, raising more venture capital and otherwise trying to grow her start-up.