Distilling Venture Capital

Distilling Venture Capital

Why Do Start-ups Need A VC Champion?

July 05, 2016

Victor explains to Newman why start-ups pitching venture capital firms need a VC champion. Articles Mentioned The Secret Behind VC partnerships… by Elizabeth Yin The Hidden Traps in Decision Making by John S. Hammond, Ralph L. Keeney, Howard Raiffa in the Harvard Business Review.  From way back in the day, but it's a classic.  Buy the article.  Buy the book.  Great stuff. Bonus Content - More About Elizabeth Yin How she describes herself:  "Partner at 500 Startups.  Prev co-founded LaunchBit (acq 2014). Ex-Googler.  Coder/marketer from the Bay Area" [list style="style5"] [li]Blog[/li] [li]Company Website[/li] [li]LinkedIn[/li] [li]Twitter[/li] [/list]
