Valerie's Variety Podcast

Valerie's Variety Podcast

Easiest Spring Pillow Cases & Give-A-Way!

April 21, 2020


Todays show is all about CREATING – freshening up for Spring with a finished quilt top and matching pillow cases – this pattern I’m going to share with you today will be available on my blog and details here…if you’re not a sewer or a quilter, don’t fret just pass this episode onto those people and they will be forever indebted with this valuable information JK, just showing a little Spring in my step today for you to share with your friend or family member that is a crafty sewer. – and yours truly will give away a set or two to whoever tells me their favourite Spring Story – it could be about easter, gardening, spring cleaning, you tell me and I’ll make you a set of these pillow cases (in your favour colours and in the size of your favourite pillows – sound good?)

So..years ago I made this quilt, Truly Scrumptious by Cinderberry Stitches as part of my block of the month program when I ran Pastimes Online. This quilt was The date of this post was Oct 2010, yes so many years ago now. BUT when I made this quilt I was hoping to be pregnant this year and was secretly or openly hoping for a girl…

Well made the quilt, did get pregnant and then promptly tucked the top away for another day when I could finish it….well people this quilt is now finished with…matching pillow cases.

Tie ClosureTie ClosureSpring Pillow, #2Spring Pillow, #1Spring Pillows with matching Quilt, Truly Scrumptious

Step one fold, fold into 2press and fold together hiding the raw edgesince finished edge showingMaking the Ties

Made for LondonLove MomApril 2020my labels have changed to this style…can you see it?


Dig out that old quilt top that you haven’t finished
