Valerie's Variety Podcast

Valerie's Variety Podcast

Mystical Magical Chronicles & more Whiskey – Part TWO

October 15, 2019

E.C. Varga on Valerie’s Variety Podcast discussing her new book The God’s Chair

Episode 73

Previously On….Valerie’s Variety Podcast

Part ONE of the E.C. Varga InterView take a listen…

Todays show is Part TWO of The God’s Chair book review with Constance Varga. We investigate the protagonst Mike and where the scene of this book is set! The God’s Chair and their purpose of this. Each book to come after will have a major rock formation as the soul of the surroundings for the mystical magical chronicals. 

Welcome back to Valerie’s Variety Podcast, this show is about ReViews InterViews and my Daily Views, it’s a story podcast about my life in Calgary. WhatEVEr WhenEVER, this show drops every Tuesday.

EC Varga brings light to dragons and folklore in her books. We talk about a rock formation where the setting of this book takes place. Also a rock formation from where I am from to compare.

This part is dedicated to readings from the book  and more banter getting to know this author. Her description of her characters. and references she uses.

Constance believes we should have a persona that we share outwardly and one we keep to ourselves. With this day an age in social media she might be onto something with this thought. Keeping our home spirit at home and with the people we are closest with is important.

She writes in vernacular which is a literatary genre that uses daily-used language in writting and speaking.  versus the written works formal variety of language. It’s a common language spoken by average citizens using many accents and dialects from the origin place.

At the end of Part TWO we’ve tried a few of the whiskeys, laughed alot and have tried to get through some more readings. Sorry in advance for cutting Constance off but I had so many questions and clarifications I needed from her…

Next weeks Part Three

In the next episode we will hear chapter 1 in it’s entirety and if you’ve been thinking about possilby picking up a copy of this book, you should. We can read it together and after you hear Chapter 1 you’ll want to know more.

We will continue to sip our whiskeys and enjoy more stories between us. We will talk about spiders and their webs strength – making web from goats milk. Talking about Audio books and ghost writers and some pretty famous books. We talk personal about our choices, and enjoy supporting each other. We talk inside moments within the story. Etheopian Proverbs and more. Come along for another week with Constance and I.

Find me at On Instagram @ValerieJMoss and Pinterest @VJMoss and Facebook @ValeriesVarietyPod

You can find Constance at Instagram @ECVarga on Facebook @ECVarga

Talk to you next Tuesday.
