Valerie's Variety Podcast

Valerie's Variety Podcast

ReView: Sauce Italian Restaurant & Market Part ONE

September 17, 2019

Episode 69 Part ONE

Welcome back to Valerie’s Variety Podcast with your host me, Valerie Moss, this show is about ReViews, InterViews and my DailyViews, it’s a story podcast about my life in Calgary. This show drops every Tuesday. Follow me on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest

In the next two episodes we are reviewing Sauce, Italian restaurant and market. Located 3326- 17 Avenue SW. This place is located in the Chorus Entertainment Building and is a weekly stop for us to curb our Truffle Popcorn craving. We enjoyed this place so much during our day date – that this episode is broken up into two parts, part TWO will be released next week.

Sauce signature ‘S’

I first went to this place with my GF Jenny she frequented it and we went for supper one night and ever since I wanted to bring Jeff there. So, we finally went one day while have a day date while London was at a bday party…it was worth it.

When you walk in there’s a great deli in one area with ready made meals, small cafe style of tabls ad chairs, Italians and others visiting and drinking espresso. Around this are there’s shelves stocked with Italian foods, sauces, pasta’s olives, italians sodas and more..the stage for the Pcon is highight by their signature bag of Metallic Red, it’s a lrage size and worth the purchase.

There’s crates stamped with their signature ’S’ in red. The sausages and curing meats are hanging yearning to be purchased an dmake into a charcuterie board. Cheses are chilled and sliced in take home wedges. Their dessert bar is so beautirul, corner ceramic stove, espresso machine, pastries and goodies gallore. Workers waiting to help box up your favourite sweets.

Once you mange to get by this stand, you can move into the waiting area for the restaurant and ‘wait to be seated’ We made a reservation…as wer’e siting and kabitzing the waitress pours our water…we enjoy settling in for the next hour or so. When we were heret it was still chilly out we have our new featherlite winter jackets on – as you can hear we are quite happy with them.

Sauce, Chandeliers

Calamari Lobster Risotto, 

Here’s what risotto is, think creamy rice but is’ no soupy it’s thick like a good cheesy pasta. Risottos is typicaly made with a lot of butter and cheese, you can make a roux also to help with the richness of this meal, ti’s very good when it’s prepred right

So my hubbys voice is a bit soft but he says, ravioli is not enough food – you know how Ravioli comes out, you get 4 squares place on a large plate – it’s sort of shoking when the price refects like 10 orders. So we pass on this altho it doesn sound good.

We settle on Calamarie to start 5:28

the waitress offeers us bread to sop up the pomodoro sauce I order the fuzili and Jeff orders the Risotto…we enoy thebeautifully decoarted restaurant and our wine…

Sauce’s many chandeliers, so beautiful

6:11 the lights in this place are beautiful we are thinking of changing our lights out to somethig more spectaular then our modern, plane square globe style.Something to add some character. Like chandeliers…..

The Atmosphere

Jeff proceeds to tell a story about the mens washroom listen to this…6:52 so you walk in and there’...
