Friday Lunchtime Lectures

Friday Lunchtime Lectures

Latest Episodes

ODI Fridays: Typhoon Crisis Mapping with OpenStreetMap, with Harry Wood
January 10, 2014

Founded in the UK in 2004, inspired by the success of Wikipedia and crowd sourcing information, OpenStreetMap aims to map the world as open data. The project came into it's own during the 2010 Haiti earthquake where volunteers used available satellite im

ODI Fridays: Open Data Christmas - Patrick Hussey
January 07, 2014

Patrick Hussey, outlines his version of an Open Data Christmas, by introducing his new startup "DataMartyr", Snowden for the Soul. For the end of 2013, we asked three Friday lunchtime lecturers - David Tarrant, Jeni Tennison and Patrick Hussey - to retu

ODI Fridays: Open Data Christmas - Dr David Tarrant
January 07, 2014

Dr David Tarrant, outlines his version of an Open Data Christmas. For the end of 2013, we asked three Friday lunchtime lecturers - David Tarrant, Jeni Tennison and Patrick Hussey - to return and tell us their version or vision of an Open Data Christmas.

ODI Fridays: Open Data Christmas - Jeni Tennison OBE
January 07, 2014

Jeni Tennison OBE, CTO of the ODI, outlines her version of an Open Data Christmas, by reading her letter to Santa. For the end of 2013, we asked three Friday lunchtime lecturers - David Tarrant, Jeni Tennison and Patrick Hussey - to return and tell us th

ODI Fridays: Five lessons from a decade working with open data
December 16, 2013

ODI Fridays lunchtime lecture, 13 December 2013. In a decade of running data-heavy civic tech sites such as FixMyStreet, TheyWorkForYou and Mapumental, mySociety has learned a lot about how to gather, display, and archive data - and we have the yarns to

ODI Fridays: How to Build an Open Data Centric Organisation
December 06, 2013

ODI Fridays lunchtime lecture, 6 December 2013. Since March 2012 Land Registry has been releasing free datasets to support the UK government’s economic growth, open data and transparency agendas. Understand the data journey of the authoritative source

ODI Fridays: What's the point of cultural open data? with Rachel Coldicutt and Kim Plowright
December 02, 2013

Open data from arts and cultural organisations won’t help you choose a school or a hospital or make a financial decision, but it could create new ways of understanding history, experiencing great art and literature, and - fundamentally - help us to unde

Giles Young - Show me the future of.... food and open data
November 28, 2013

Giles Young (Where's this from) delivers his talk ‘What next for open data and your supermarket shop'. Giles outlines a map to reconnect the consumer with the food chain, offering a new level of transparency around where our food comes from and empoweri

ODI Fridays: Burn the digital paper! A call to arms, by Francis Irving of ScraperWiki
November 25, 2013

Nearly 70 years of computers, and most of us still just use them as a fast version of paper. What is code? What is data? Teaching everyone to program, restructuring organisations … artificial intelligence. What will it take to make “data” ten times

ODI Fridays: How politicians lie with data, with Hetan Shah
November 15, 2013

Politicians are often criticised for their liberal use of statistics and data, and 2013 has been no exception. Hetan Shah, executive director of the Royal Statistical Society, examined how politicians lie with data and what we can do about it.
