Friday Lunchtime Lectures

Friday Lunchtime Lectures

Latest Episodes

Friday lunchtime lecture: Open data - the new emergent public good of our time?
July 25, 2014

People tend to think of ‘public goods’ as things like suburban roads that must be built by governments because if governments don’t provide them, then no-one will. But this is an impoverished definition of public goods. In fact, private and public g

Friday lunchtime lecture: Open wide? Business opportunities and risks in using open data
July 11, 2014

As the open data movement gains momentum, it becomes clear that there are substantial business opportunities to be seized through the use and publication of data. However, using open data can often present new risks which need to be managed. Drawing on so

Friday lunchtime lecture: Open data innovations for social good
July 04, 2014

Open data has the potential to power tools that provide solutions to real problems. Although the UK is the world leader in releasing open data, its use in informing real world solutions has been limited and fragmented, with innovative startups sometimes l

Friday lunchtime lecture: The secret lives of buildings revealed (with open data)
July 03, 2014

New, cheaper sensor and tracking hardware, and new big data and data science techniques, mean that we can now gather and use huge amounts of real-time data to understand the built environment better. Francine Bennett of Mastodon C talks about the technic

Friday lunchtime lecture: Open data, open web: Just a passing fad? with Professor Leslie Carr
June 20, 2014

The web has transformed our lives so much over the last twenty years that we think of it as an inevitable development and a permanent part of our world. In this talk, Professor Carr explains how the open web we know is just one of many attempts over the l

Friday lunchtime lecture: How can local government deliver better services using data?
June 13, 2014

Ben Unsworth explains why data is our next opportunity in the evolution towards a democracy that is less ideological, and more entrepreneurial, collaborative, interactive, and performance-driven – a Public Sector that is about results and better outcome

Friday lunchtime lecture: Why selling people’s medical/tax/school/ records isn’t open data
June 06, 2014

The programme in the NHS came off the rails, despite – or possibly because – officials tried presenting it as an ‘open data’ initiative. It isn’t. But this conflation of ‘data sharing’ with open data is far from unique; from the Na

Friday lunchtime lecture - Oceans of data, with Adam Leadbetter
May 30, 2014

It’s often said that we know more about space than Earth’s oceans. How then, are marine scientists using new technologies, data science and open data to deepen our understanding of the seas? Adam Leadbetter is a professional marine data & semantic we

Friday lunchtime lecture: Open Data Challenge Series - community, energy & open data innovation
May 27, 2014

With over 5000 community energy groups in the UK, the big question is, what innovative role could open data play in supporting their work? The Open Data Challenge Series is focused on generating innovative and sustainable open data solutions to address th

ODI Fridays: Generation Rent - empowering tenants through open data Friday, with Alex Hilton
May 12, 2014

With UK tenants facing soaring rents, poor conditions, a lack of security and unfair practices from landlords and letting agents - the private rented sector is high on the public and political agenda. The Government says it wants to fix this yet it doesnâ
