Two Book Nerds Talking

Two Book Nerds Talking

Latest Episodes

TBNT S04E03 | Marriage in Monogamy vs. Infidelity in Here is the Beehive
October 20, 2020

We are delving into a topic today and it's the 'M' word... yup marriage. Having read Sue Miller's Monogamy and Sarah Crossan's Here is the Beehive almost back to back we were taken aback by how many similar themes it touches. So join us as we peel...

TBNT S04E02 | Super Thursday and More TBR!
October 13, 2020

After a month's break, our TBRs are bursting and though our heart's go to everyone who is putting out a book this year, our hearts rejoice that there are so many tasty, tasty books to sink our teeth into (even if we moan that it's impossible to read...

TBNT S04E01 | Bandits! Nuns! Mayhem! We talk with Zen Cho on her New Novella
October 06, 2020

Zen Cho is back with a brand new novella called The Pure Order of the Moon Reflected on Water. She calls it a tropical wuxia, inspired by martial arts yarns and period C-dramas, follow her band of merry bandits as they careen around a fantasy take on...

TBNT S03E23 | The Mistress of Darkness Julya Oui Talks Taiping and Terror
August 25, 2020

We hung out on a thunderous afternoon with Julya Oui and talk campfire tales, the private life of Silobans and the fact that there's really nothing to be afraid of. Having exorcised her demons on her page she cheekily says, "it's someone else's...

TBNT S03E22 | August TBR & Huns 'n' Dee's Reading Recs
August 18, 2020

As everyone knows, there are too many books being released atm. As a spillover from last week's episode since we could not fit everything in an hour this week we thought you might like to know the stuff we really liked reading lately plus more...

TBNT S03E21 | WorldCon, Booker Longlist, Anticipated Books
August 12, 2020

We chill out with each other, over some delicious beverages and talk about happenings in the book world. Everything from ConZealand to is Rothfuss going to finally finish his book to the Booker Longlist. Also listen to Honey trying to convince Diana...

TBNT S03E20 | Special interview with Hanna Alkaf on The Girl and The Ghost
August 04, 2020

Hanna Alkaf is back with her first middle grade novel The Girl and the Ghost. A little girl inherits and peleset (generational spirit) from her bomoh grandmother and makes it her friend. But Pink (what she named her peleset) is made of darker stuff....

TBNT S03E19 | Kevin Kwan's latest Sex & Vanity, best tak?
July 22, 2020

Kevin Kwan's romp-com has big stilettos to fill. After the Crazy Rich Asian trilogy, everyone is waiting with bated breath what the next glittery read would be. Well wonder no more! In Sex and Vanity we are back in the world of the super rich with an...

TBNT S03E18 | In Conversation with Rutger Bregman on Humankind
July 15, 2020

Bumper episode coming up folks! This week we have a whopper so sit back, relax and let Rutger pretty much take you through his book about a hopeful history of us. It's fascinating and his theories are backed by tons of research. If there is one non...

TBNT S03E17 | Impractical Uses of Cake Facebook Live Interview
July 08, 2020

We chatted with Yeoh Jo-Ann the author of Impractical Uses of Cake with Elaine from Lit Books. This was supposed to be a live event but well, that pesky little virus happened to we ended up doing a FB LIVE instead. Sigh... there would have been cake...
