Liberation Is Possible

Liberation Is Possible

Special Video Episode: Gratitude and Transparency followed by a Pause – Podcast #050

July 20, 2015

Summary: In this unique episode I share a my gratitude and a bit of transparency boarding on T.M.I. followed by an announcement that this podcast is going to take a publishing pause while I assess whether it should continue beyond episode 50? There are now 15 hours of SE Reflections available for you in the archives and perhaps this is a good place to change course or stop. You can give your feedback on this page at www.liberationispossible/gratitude-transparency-podcast-050.
Your Feedback Matters:
During this publishing pause I'll be reorganizing this podcast and assessing it's validity and need to continue. Your feedback is particularly helpful at this time. Thanks for sharing.

Incomplete Show Notes:

I mentioned Susa Talan's Gratitude Project. Very inspiring.
