Tuff Love with Robert Kandell

Tuff Love with Robert Kandell

242: Rob Rant: How Plandemic Almost Ended My Marriage

May 19, 2020

In this week's episode, following his recent experiences with his partner, Rob rants about movies such as Plandemic and the impact they make on the relationships people have. Rob dives into exploring his own prejudices and judgements, as well as looking at examples of how others have reacted, and how people can overcome the chasms created to reach new levels of connection.

3:07 - What happened
6:59 - Critical thinking resources
8:40 - Watching one’s judgements rise up
11:22 - What it means to be triggered
13:17 - Men and chauvinism
16:09 - Reflecting on his relationship goal
17:39 - Four key belief systems for connection
19:41 - “What I know about what I know”
23:55 - How films like Plandemic are impacting relationships
27:23 - Going forward
32:26 - How things are now

Sources mentioned:
- Plandemic the Movie - Website taken down. Get a big mug of joe and google Plandemic
- London Real - https://londonreal.tv/1000000-fighting-for-freedom/
- Out of Shadows - https://www.outofshadows.org/
- Daniel Pinchbeck 's post - https://www.facebook.com/daniel.pinchbeck/posts/10156844763101262
- Roy Piper's excellent post - https://www.facebook.com/KingOfMilwaukee/posts/10157962376426999
- Aaron Nichols' post - https://www.facebook.com/aaron.nichols.10000/posts/2886056461480154

Don't forget to grab your copy of the Amazon bestseller unHidden: A Book For Men and Those Confused by Them. It's your easy-to-understand at-home guide to Robert’s living unHidden Framework. Get your copy today by visiting www.robertkandell.com/order

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