Tuff Love with Robert Kandell

Tuff Love with Robert Kandell

236: How to Find Your F*#$k Yes in Your Life with Sandra Bershad

April 07, 2020

Sandra Bershad, M.A. is a visionary mentor and awakening catalyst deeply devoted to empowering people in becoming intimate with the resonance of their highest truth and inner guidance. She is on a mission to create spaces of radical permission that invite individuals to tap into the full spectrum of their inner knowing, visions, gifts, and the specific genius they are meant to share.

As a truth resonator and amplifier, she strives to demystify the perception that we need something outside ourselves to connect with our intrinsic nature that is infinite, innately wise, and already whole. Her approach has been forged through rigorous study of the merging between mind, body, spirit, and hard science, a deep passion for healing and growth, and the clinical application of therapeutic modalities, healing arts, and spiritual traditions.

She has a Master’s Degree in Mindfulness-based Transpersonal Counseling Psychology and dual Bachelor’s Degrees in Somatic Psychology and Psychology of Health and Healing. Recognized for her intuitive gifts and psychic abilities, she has appeared on Anderson Cooper, Psychic Children: Their Sixth Sense, Good Morning America, and The Doctors.

2:30 - Sovereignty and freedom
6:18 - Rob’s experience of starting to live “unhidden”
11:37 - Self-sabotaging our own freedom and sovereignty
14:36 - Early TV appearances starting as a 17-year-old
20:02 - Her journey from being ungrounded to being balanced
25:03 - Approaches to healing
29:45 - The importance of commitment to one’s self-work
31:59 - Her approach to healing
38:59 - A success story from one of her clients

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Don't forget to grab your copy of the Amazon bestseller unHidden: A Book For Men and Those Confused by Them. It's your easy-to-understand at-home guide to Robert’s living unHidden Framework. Get your copy today by visiting www.robertkandell.com/order

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