Tuff Love with Robert Kandell

Tuff Love with Robert Kandell

232: Rob Rant: Antagonistic vs Collaborative

March 10, 2020

In this week's episode, Rob rants about Antagonistic versus Collaborative Communication. Pulling ideas from the key concept of James P. Carse’s book “Finite and Infinite Games”, as well as the work of Simon Sinek, Rob explores the games that we play and people’s relationship to scarcity in relationships and business.

3:09 - James Carse’s book “Finite and Infinite Games”
7:26 - Reflecting on the idea of finite and infinite games
11:54 - Being right versus being connected
13:34 - Your scarcity incites the scarcity of others
17:37 - Tone in communication
19:26 - Societal training regarding scarcity
20:21 - Servant leadership
24:03 - The effects of profit-first business
26:23 - A model of Antagonistic versus Collaborative Communication
30:54 - Incentives for antagonism
32:12 - Self-antagonism

Find James Carse at:

And find Simon Sinek at:

Find resources for Rob’s model of Antagonistic versus Collaborative Communication at:

Don't forget to grab your copy of the Amazon bestseller unHidden: A Book For Men and Those Confused by Them. It's your easy-to-understand at-home guide to Robert’s living unHidden Framework. Get your copy today by visiting www.robertkandell.com/order

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