Tuff Love with Robert Kandell

Tuff Love with Robert Kandell

224: How to Deal with Getting Hooked with Jade Connelly-Duggan

January 14, 2020

Jade Duggan is transforming workplaces and the world. Having grown up in a family of wellness and organizational development pioneers, Jade has continued her parents’ legacy through working in transformative leadership, social change, and alternative medicine.

Her previous work includes helping the NSA communicate more effectively with the CIA and saving Pepsi’s culture-merge when purchasing Gatorade, all while maintaining a private acupuncture practice, training other healthcare providers, and providing more than 25,000 acupuncture treatments per year (in one of the most underemployed neighborhoods in the U.S.).

2:55 - Transitioning from acupuncture to corporate consulting
4:01 - Philosophies of acupuncture
4:46 - An individual’s needs, versus the organization’s
6:58 - The impact of an owners’ outlook on their business
7:56 - Getting “hooked”
9:29 - Reality TV and fear
15:03 - How technology changes humans
17:01 - The co-creation of being “hooked”
21:07 - Our stories when hooked
27:43 - Practically approaching getting hooked in relationships
30:01 - Being conscious of our responses
36:12 - Releasing emotions
39:44 - Being curious rather than defensive

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Don't forget to grab your copy of the Amazon bestseller unHidden: A Book For Men and Those Confused by Them. It's your easy-to-understand at-home guide to Robert’s living unHidden Framework. Get your copy today by visiting www.robertkandell.com/order

OR, grab your free audio section of the book if you want to take it for a spin before you buy. And we promise this is NOT like movie trailers where they grab all the best pieces. Unhidden is pure relationship gold https://robertkandell.com/freeaudio

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