

Latest Episodes

Episode 499: TLP 499: Parenting and Consequences, Part 5 | change your consequence culture
August 02, 2022

So, you’ve learned a lot about Christ-honoring consequences, and now you want to change how your ...

Episode 498: TLP 498: Parenting and Consequences, Part 4 | giving secondary consequences
July 26, 2022

What does Christ-honoring parental discipline look like? Join AMBrewster to uncover practical way...

Episode 497: TLP 497: Parenting and Consequences, Part 3 | secondary consequences
July 19, 2022

What does Christ-honoring parental discipline look like? Join AMBrewster to uncover practical way...

Episode 496: TLP 496: Parenting and Consequences, Part 2 | primary consequences
July 12, 2022

Primary Consequences are the inescapable realities that happen every time we sin. They occur beca...

Episode 495: TLP 495: Parenting and Consequences, Part 1 | punishment vs consequences
July 05, 2022

Does God want us punishing our kids? What is punishment? What are consequences? How do we serious...

Episode 494: TLP 494: Are Older Children in Charge of Younger Children, Part 2 | birth order and admonition
June 28, 2022

If your kids don’t have authority over each other, how are they to interact when you’re out of th...

Episode 493: TLP 493: Are Older Children in Charge of Younger Children, Part 1 | birth order and authority
June 21, 2022

Do older kids really have authority over the younger ones? What are the consequences of such thin...

Episode 492: TLP 492: The Best Way to Set Up Your Kids for Failure
June 14, 2022

Every parents wants to set up their kids for success, but despite what they want, what are they a...

Episode 491: TLP 491: Welcome Back . . . Again!
June 07, 2022

AMBrewster is back at the mic with new content! Tune in to hear what the Lord did during the last...

Episode 490: TLP 490: Control Girl | Shannon Popkin Interview
May 31, 2022

What’s the difference between leading and controlling? The difference is significant to understan...
