

Latest Episodes

TLP 69: What’s a Peaceful Parent? | Peaceful Parenting, Part 1
July 03, 2017

Imagine experiencing real, genuine, lasting, contagious peace right smack in the middle of your g...

TLP 68: Dependence Day | A New Way to View Your Family
June 29, 2017

The 4th of July is almost here, but is independence really what we should be focusing on? Join AM...

TLP 67: Parenting Q&A | Natasha Crain Interview, Part 3
June 26, 2017

Today Natasha Crain and AMBrewster answer questions about being a Christian parent in a broken wo...

TLP 66: Keeping Your Kids on God’s Side | Natasha Crain Interview, Part 2
June 22, 2017

Daughter of the King, wife, mother, author, and speaker Natasha Crain discusses her book “Keeping...

TLP 65: The Best Devotionals for Children | Natasha Crain Interview, Part 1
June 19, 2017

Natasha Crain and AMBrewster discuss the best devotionals for your kids and introduce you to "The...

TLP 64: Dad’s, Are We Worth Celebrating?
June 15, 2017

Are you a dad worth celebrating? Join AMBrewster today as he tries to figure out what makes a mom...

TLP 63: Evangelism Parenting
June 13, 2017

Do you have unsaved children? How should your parenting be different? Join AMBrewster as he discu...

A TLP Snippet 9: Don’t Let Them Take Your Kids
June 07, 2017

Parenting Wisdom in 5 Minutes or Less: With the Canadian government poised to take children away ...

TLP 62: Sleepovers | helpful or harmful?
June 06, 2017

Are your kids planning a sleepover? Is that a good idea? Join AMBrewster as he discusses whether ...

TLP 61: Are There Failure Philosophies in Your Home?
June 06, 2017

What are the Big Three Failure Philosophies and are they alive and well in your homes? Join AMBre...
