

Latest Episodes

TLP 358: The Spiritual War in Your Home, Part 5 | the double-agent enemy
April 24, 2020

What’s the most dangerous element in your home? You may be very surprised. Join AMBrewster ...

TLP 357: The Spiritual War in Your Home, Part 4 | the infiltrator enemy
April 21, 2020

What could be more dangerous than Satan and his demons? What could be threatening our very homes ...

TLP 356: The Spiritual War in Your Home, Part 3 | the frontline enemy
April 17, 2020

Do demons exist? Can Satan influence your children? Join AMBrewster as he pulls the curtain back ...

TLP 355: The Spiritual War in Your Home, Part 2 | the false enemy
April 14, 2020

There’s a war in your home. Today AMBrewster helps Christian parents understand who their e...

TLP 354: The Spiritual War in Your Home, Part 1 | the reality
April 10, 2020

There’s a war waging in your family right now, and it’s not between your children or ...

TLP 353: Speak Like God | Al Mohler, Humpty Dumpty, Aliens, & Your Family
April 07, 2020

What could Humpty Dumpty, Aliens, and Al Mohler have to do with your family communication? Join A...

TLP 352: Watch Your Language! | don’t confuse your children’s thinking
April 03, 2020

Is it possible that parental word choices may confuse our children concerning the reality of the ...

TLP 351: Linguistic Theft | Hillary Morgan Ferrer Interview, Part 2
March 31, 2020

Today Hillary Ferrer and AMBrewster discuss Mama Bear Apologetics and the world’s never cea...

TLP 340: Good Pictures, Bad Pictures | Kristen Jenson interview, Part 2
February 21, 2020

Kristen Jenson, founder of Protect Young Minds and best-selling author of Good Pictures Bad ...

TLP 339: Good Pictures, Bad Pictures | Kristen Jenson interview, Part 1
February 18, 2020

Kristen Jenson, founder of Protect Young Minds and best-selling author of Good Pictures Bad ...
