

TLP 358: The Spiritual War in Your Home, Part 5 | the double-agent enemy

April 24, 2020

What’s the most dangerous element in your home? You may be very surprised. Join AMBrewster as he helps Christian parents discover the single-most destructive influence in their family.
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If you’re part of the TLP Family, click here to see our complete list of episodes concerning the nature of sin.
Click here to learn more about the TLP Family.
Discover the following episodes by clicking the titles or navigating to the episode in your app:
“5 Ways You Take God’s Job” (episode 22)
“How the World Trains Your Kids to Fail” (episode 24)
“Training Your Children to Rebel” (episode 43)
“The Four Children” series (starts in episode 55)
“Are There Failure Philosophies in Your Home?” (episode 61)
“Why Do Your Children Do What They Do?” The Merest Christianity series (starts in episode 95)
“What is a Good Kid?” (episode 103)
“Your Kids Need an Interpreter | helping your children navigate the world’s delusion” (episode 104)
“How to Know if Your Child is Addicted” (episode 114)
“Teach Your Children to Obey” series (starts in episode 138)
“Family Worship” series (starts in episode 191)
“Your Child's Bungee | the nature of sin and parenting” (episode 199)
“Parenting a Zombie” series (starts in episode 200)
“What is Your Child's Sin?” (episode 237)
“Children and Shame” series (starts in episode 260)
“Why Your Family Has Ups and Downs” (episode 274)
“What Is Your Family Idol?” (episode 282)
“The Battlefield on Which the Family Will Be Lost” (episode 283)
“Parenting Angry Children” series (starts in episode 287)
“Parenting Fearful Children” series (starts in episode 305)
“The Hidden Sin in Our Homes” series (starts in episode 309)
“Why Does My Family Argue? | and how to stop” (episode 331)
“The Most Beautiful Part of Parenting” (episode 341)
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Click here for Today’s Episode Notes and Transcript.
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