True Wealth Radio

True Wealth Radio

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06:13:2018 Market Crash Inevitable-Equities Over Valued & Over Leveraged
June 13, 2018

06/13/2018 Equity markets are overvalued and over-leveraged, and a crash on the scale of the last recession could be on the horizon, said Gerald Celente, publisher of the Trends Journal.  Celente told Kitco News that one possible trigger for such...

06:08:2018 Good Time is the Best Time to Prepar for Hard Times-Why Now is a Gre
June 08, 2018

06/08/2018 Why Good Times are the Best Times to Prepare for Hard Times by Investing Into Gold & Silver Based Assets   From the beginning to end of The Bible, and throughout all of written human history, Precious Metals have remained the...

06:06:2018 Interesting Times or End Times?
June 06, 2018

06/06/2018 Interesting times or end times? Bible prophecy only covers 6000 years of mankind existence plus and additional 1000 years after the great tribulation. In The books of Daniel and Revelation, the bible prophecies global earthquakes, meteorite...

Prosperty versus Poverty Theology-God True Desire and History of Blessings
June 04, 2018

06/04/2018 After becoming a believer I was told over and over to flee from “prosperity theology” preachers.  somewhat understand the philosophy that God does what He wants, when He wants, how He wants and to whom He wants. I also understand...

06:01:2018 Easy Money-Low Maintenance Timeless Savings Is The key
June 01, 2018

06/01/2018 Easy Money-Low Maintenance Savings Is The key What do you do with your money? All of the items that are biblically and timelessly attributed as true wealth (except precious metals based assets & precious stones) require maintenance,...

05:30:2018 Inflations Secret Confiscation of Wealth and Ultimate Demise and The
May 30, 2018

05/30/2018 Despite our impression that our superior intelligence and technological advancements have somehow nullified the timeless financial truths of 5000 years of written human history, the bible and unwavering stability of precious metals, fiat...

05:23:2018 Buying Value
May 23, 2018

05/23/2018 Buying Value Throughout history, assets come & go, however, precious metals have always sustained their position as the pinnacle form of wealth throughout all written history. Humans chase hype and want to be part of the winners circle....

05:21:2018 Keep It Simple
May 21, 2018

05/21/2018 Keep it Simple We are in an era where conservatives feel very confident and the DOW seems to be surging quite readily. Markets are alive and well and moving rapidly although volatility is tremendous. My biggest fear is the fact that this is...

05:18;2018 The One & Only Safe & Sound Savings
May 18, 2018

05/18/2018 The bible attributes only a few things as timeless true wealth. Gold, Silver, Livestock, Real Estate, Human Life & Precious Stones. Many people choose real estate but don’t realize the incredible costs associated with real estate....
