Trinity Church Adelaide

Trinity Church Adelaide

Latest Episodes

Term 3, Week 2
August 05, 2019

Exodus 2:11-22 - Katy Smith - Terrace Studies 2019

#9 上帝赐福的人
August 03, 2019

创世记 11:1-12:3

#8 Noah
August 03, 2019

Genesis 9 & 2 Peter 3 讲道英文词汇注释 – English explanation of key words in the Bible reading

Term 3, Week 1
July 29, 2019

Exodus 1:8-22

#8 洪水以后的新世代?
July 27, 2019

创世记 10:1-11:9

#7 Cain & Abel
July 27, 2019

Genesis 4 & Hebrews 12:18-24 讲道英文词汇注释 – English explanation of key words in the Bible reading

#4 ⽣命的⽬的–服事
July 20, 2019

马可福音书 10:32-45

#3 Investing Money
July 20, 2019

Luke 12:32-34, Philippians 4:10-20 & 1 Timothy 6:17-19 讲道英文词汇注释 – English explanation of key words in the Bible reading

#3 ⽣命的⽬的–成熟
July 13, 2019

以弗所书 4:1-16

#2 Dethroning Money
July 13, 2019

Exodus 20:1-17, Luke 12:13-21 & 1 Timothy 6:6-10 讲道英文词汇注释 – English explanation of key words in the Bible reading
