

Episode 6 - Anxiety and Joy in Tanzania

May 07, 2018

The missionary enterprise is marked by discomfort. I won’t mince words here. Living cross culturally is a grind and the stress and pressure can wear on you. From afar it may seem romantic, but the reality of living in the developing world away from your family and friends will dissipate the romance rather quickly.

The mission mandates of Jesus found in the Gospels and Acts do not promise physical safety or comfort. In fact, in his last days on earth, Jesus even told his disciples that they would experience trouble. On this, the Savaiko’s will tell you – that despite the difficulties they have endured living cross-culturally – they have found great joy in obedience.

Thanks for following along with Translators – season 1. For more information about the Savaiko’s, or if you would like to partner with the Savaiko's ministry, visit their Wycliffe ministry page . One other note is the Savaiko’s will be on furlough from July 1st to January 1st, they would love to connect with you.

You can also follow us on Facebook at to hear more information about future stories we are working on or take a look at our Zazzle store that helps us spend more time telling missionary stories. Our goal is to be a megaphone for missionaries, organizations, and Christian work that is being done all over the world.


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