Transform Radio

Transform Radio

Dedication: How Bad Do You Want It?

July 12, 2015

Almost everyone you know, at some point, talks about how bad their life sucks...their job sucks, their relationships suck, their physical and/or mental health sucks. The difference between successful people and average people lies in this singular question.
How Bad Do You Want It?
The difference between those two pictures of me is 5 years.
5 years of hard work
5 years of dedication.
5 years of applying the skills I learned in my every day life.
The first picture is me, April 2010, before I walked in the door of my first personal development seminar ever.
The second picture is me, this past Saturday, July 2015, after finishing an 8 mile run.
Those two guys couldn't be more different.
The body language, the self confidence, the dedication are all infinitely more powerful 5 years later.
It all comes down to dedication.
Is your dedication to excuses, to whining, to being comfortable with where you are?
Or is your dedication to change, to growth, to becoming the best you that you can be?
5 years later, I have little time or patience for those who want to remain in their lousy lives, those who are content to simply offer excuses for why they can't change.
Everyone has the same 86,400 seconds in a day.
Your dedication drives how you spend them.
So, rockstars... how bad do you want it?
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