The Obnoxious Optimists

The Obnoxious Optimists

Episode 13: The 80 Proof Episode, featuring MikeMikeMike!

September 07, 2015

The boys are back! They are joined by their friend Mike, who also listens to the show. He offers his take on healthy living and eating. And he brought beer. And moonshine stuff. They celebrate their last episode on their old gear with a live recording, and you will hear them all slowly lose their minds on the hooch. OK, not really...except for Jason. Whew..It's an extended play this week, folks (almost 2 hours), and they go off on tons of tangents. Too much to explain and list, so sit back and listen to this 80 proof episode. Next week begins the new technological era of TOO, with a laptop and mics and software. Look out, world! 
