The Obnoxious Optimists

The Obnoxious Optimists

Episode 3 ‘How To Crush Your Goals’

June 19, 2015

Episode 3!

In this one, Leilan and Jason talk all about goals, man. How
to make them, how to time them out and how to stick to them.  They get into the nitty gritty, and veer off
on quite a few tangents, such as wondering
if they are having food related hallucinations during the show. Yeah. Typical
stuff for them.

They discuss a couple of recent studies on the fattest
nations and happiest nations. You may be surprised where the good ol' US of A
landed. They were.

Here's a link to the fattest nations article:


New goal challenge! 2 challenges for 2 weeks, walking and
drinking. Check out the podcast for more info or visit the site or Facebook

Here's a good reference on water needs:

Our intrepid hosts get into a heated discussion about cake
and 'cake pushers' and talk about XXX burgers and wolf packs.

Tune in and enjoy!
