Todd Talk Radio

Todd Talk Radio

Episode 45 - THE PANEL of Galactic Beings of Light Speak

December 11, 2013

Todd Jenkins flips your BS, again!

Belief Systems abound and certainly there is no other way to Awaken to The Shift unless there is a "shake-up" in perspective! There is no mistake, you have heard it many times before in the myriad of messages from "The Panel".

In particular, Todd may have come off as crass and arrogant throwing you into a state of defiance. You may have felt it as an urgency and insistence which could easily create resistance. You may have even shaken your head in doubt, disbelief and overall disgust in regard to the information and it's presentation.

These are all feelings and thoughts we applaud you for. Yes, there is arrogance... with insistence! Ultimately, what we know and trust is that part of the mission to push through personal belief systems and limiting perspectives. All of which is more than necessary for the basis of the collective consciousness.

At the risk of offending further, realize, nothing is as it seems! There are a multitude of everyday paradoxes, contradictions and life riddles all wrapped up in confusion laced with fear. But we all love to solve puzzles, right?

Understand, these are your clues. Take the initiative, remove blocks and suspend judgment just long enough to realize it is time to get involved in order to evolve. Embrace and heal the dark and light conflicts within you for each healing adds to the collective healing of Gaia-- Mother Earth.

Tune in to learn more...
