Todd Talk Radio

Todd Talk Radio

Episode - 42

November 21, 2013

When we were pure essence and new to this "game" of life, we had no problem discerning. Those precious young years were full of private telepathic discussions with the "other side". Watch any baby and observe them communicating, with their eyes, to the energies around them!

At some point, as the years went on, we lost that ability to communicate. Most likely started when a loved one gently reminded you...
"That's your imaginary friend, right?"

Todd and Dr. Anna share with you the importance of discerning for yourselves everything that you do in every "NOW" moment of your day. Take the necessary time to gather and uncover information through meditation, talking to your guides, or even talking to your friends and family.

Internalize the information, let it bounce back and forth from your 3D understanding to your 4D knowing and back again if necessary. Do not underestimate your abilities to be your better higher self. Re-develop the skill, get back to that all knowing, all trusting individual that you are.

Confused, need direction or a nudge? Sign up for a channeling session with Todd and Anna peeling back a layer or two to re-discover pure essence.
