Tech, No Babel: Church video and graphic design tips

Tech, No Babel: Church video and graphic design tips

Troubleshooting Techniques: Troubleshooting a Computer | Tech, No Babel - Tech, No Babel: Church video and graphic design tips

October 02, 2015

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On today's Tech, No Babel: Troubleshooting Techniques: Troubleshooting a Computer

What troubleshooting techniques should you use when troubleshooting computers? Some of them are similar to troubleshooting other hardware, but the software layer in a computer adds complexity.

First, always reboot. Software left running can get glitchy.

Next consider what software may have been added to the mix. New software sometimes breaks things.

The hardware can be to blame, too, though. Power supplies can weaken over time and spinning hard drives do eventually fail.

Watch the video for more tips.

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About this show:
Tech, No Babel is a weekly podcast premiering every Thursday at 11a eastern (-4 UTC), 8a pacific on Watch it and join the chat then.

But, if you miss the live show, I'll put up the edited show later (usually on the same day) right here.

If you do video or graphic design to advance your church's mission, this show is for you.
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