The Life You Can Save by Peter Singer (Audiobook)

The Life You Can Save by Peter Singer (Audiobook)

3 Painless Ways to Increase Your Giving

June 02, 2016

For years, I’ve been putting almond butter on my toast every morning. Tasty, filling, and nutritious, it felt like a good way to start my day. But the price of almonds where I live has nearly doubled in recent years, due to a combination of higher demand and smaller yields from drought-striken California. A few months ago, I gasped when I saw the price of a 1-pound jar of almond butter at my local market: it was more than $15. I was going through a pound of almond butter roughly every 10 days, which meant it was costing me $45 per month. In contrast, a pound of peanut butter would cost me $5. I decided to switch, saving $30 per month. The change wasn’t hard: I like peanut butter.
