#004 - "ALiENS iN PARiS"

November 16, 2015

During a brief hiatus, the Powers That Be tried to slip by a bunch of crazy shit while we weren't looking. But now TFT is back and we looking! Looking deep!

In this special episode, Daveø and Yemz discuss the recent terror attack in Paris. Who were the real victims? And who had something to gain? Why is the #PrayForParis trend pretty fucking stupid? And why are Westerners really no better than the Muslims that everyone's hating on right now?

The boys also reflect on the recent UFO over Cali... or Navy missile... whatever the hell the government is claiming it was. What the hell were those lights over L.A.? And what can a 20 year old, creepy-as-hell phone call into a conspiracy radio show tell us about it?

They might try to keep us apart, but they'll never keep us down! TFT is back to help the world stay woke in these crazy fucking times!

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