Tim’s Keto Diet Video Podcast

Tim’s Keto Diet Video Podcast

Keto Diet Plan - Showing You What I Eat - Day 4 Update Podcast

May 31, 2013

Hello and welcome to my day 4 video.

I am happy to report I lost another .7Kg or 1.5pounds since yesterday, meaning in 3 full days of Keto living, I have lost a total of 2.4 Kgs (or around 5.3 pounds).

Feeling great. I have also supplied some pictures of what I have been eating for your viewing pleasure!

As discussed in the video, here are links to the excellent book by Gary Taubes, Why we get Fat and what to do about it.

Here is the link to the downloadable copy


And here is the link to the physical book.


If you need access to the free Kindle application, look here for details of how to access it.


It works on PC, Mac and most mobile devices.


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