Time and Space: A Doctor Who Podcast

Time and Space: A Doctor Who Podcast

The Master Plan

January 09, 2020

"Spyfall, Parts One and Two" Review

Series 12 is here, and it starts with a bang. Well, lots of bangs. New/old enemies revealed, new friends are discovered, and the Doctor is brought back to where it all began. For those fans who wondered if the episodic nature of Series 11 would continue - the answer is a resounding "no." The Doctor and her fam will feel the repercussions from this adventure for the foreseeable future. What did you think of this reintroduction and continuation of the Whittaker Era?

In their look into the TARDIS library, Phillip reviews "Doctor Who The Handbook: The First Doctor, The William Hartnell Years 1963-1966." This book explores the very beginnings of "Doctor Who" and the foundations laid that would last for over 50 years.
