This Is A Disaster

This Is A Disaster

Latest Episodes

Teignmouth Electron - Part 2
September 04, 2019

In part two of Donald Crowhurst's story, he sets sail aboard the Teignmouth Electron to claim the Golden Globe prize for the first man to successfully sail around the world single-handed without stopping. An ill-equipped, half-finished boat captained by .

Tragedy Tuesday - The Hindenburg Disaster
August 27, 2019

How was this not our first episode? Because we buck the trend, that's why! In an episode full of surprising numbers, we talk about the fateful final voyage of the Hindenburg Zeppelin. A flight from Frankfurt to New Jersey was never so classy... or long...

Teignmouth Electron - Part 1
August 21, 2019

Following Sir Francis Chichester's triumphant circumnavigation by sea in 1967, the Sunday Times wanted to cash in on circumnavigation fever! One wide-eyed and manic contestant dove into the Golden Globe competition, and immediately got in over his head. .

Tragedy Tuesday - Factory Records
August 13, 2019

Your record label releases seminal albums by Joy Division and New Order, and is instrumental in the founding of a musical movement... how could you possibly screw that up?  Leigh tells us exactly how Factory Records did it...   Leigh's song pick:: Age Of.

Fury of St Helens
August 07, 2019

Beneath beautiful, serene, idyllic Mount St Helens lay the molten rock that would forever change the face of the mountain and Washington state.  A dormant volcano is dormant... until it isn't.   Leigh's happy song pick:: Blue Calx by Aphex Twinhttps://ap.

Tragedy Tuesday - Mount Everest Mayhem
July 30, 2019

What's the laziest you've ever felt? Peter tells the story of a particularly disastrous two days on the tallest mountain on earth. If you've ever had trouble getting up off a couch, this story will amplify your lazy-guilt by a million.   Peter's song pic.

Woodstock '99
July 24, 2019

Peace, love, and a 12-foot-tall fence. When the organizers describe their venue as "defensible", maybe think twice about buying a ticket. Fyre doesn't hold a candle to the original disastrous festival, Woodstock '99.   Leigh's song pick:: ACD (Abcessive .

Tragedy Tuesday - The Replacements Play SNL
July 16, 2019

A cautionary tale about vetting the band you're booking for your live broadcast.  Leigh tells the story of how The Replacements nearly ended up blackballing an entire record label from  Saturday Night Live.  The 80s sure were a time to be alive!   Leigh'.

Smallpox in Mexico
July 10, 2019

The prophecy foretold Quetzalcoatl's devastating return from the east, in the form of a pale-skinned and bearded man. Little did the Aztecs know how right the prophecy was...   Leigh's song pick:: Corpse on the Mesa by Journey to Ixtlanhttps://www.youtub.

Tragedy Tuesday - Lituya Bay Megatsunami
July 02, 2019

Bill and Vivian Swanson got a whole lot more than they bargained for on their fishing trip to Lituya Bay.  If you thought high ground might save you from a megatsunami, think again...   Peter's song pick:: IRQ2 CASCADE by MASTER BOOT RECORDhttps://master.
