This Is A Disaster

This Is A Disaster

Episode 24: The Frank Slide (feat. Canadian History Ehx)

March 18, 2020

In 1903, the Turtle walked.  An ancient mountain that the indigenous people of the area knew not to mess with... what better place to build a town?  Better tuck it into the very base of a mine where gargantuan ancient forces spontaneously squeeze coal out.  A mountain, a slide, a horse that made it through, and a reason to Stay In the Hotel.
Craig's song picks:: How The Mountain Came Down by Stompin' Tom Connors
Frank, AB by The Rural Alberta Advantage
Leigh's song pick:: Moustache Rock by Shallow North Dakota
Peter's song pick:: Reservoir by PUP
Check out Canadian History Ehx (the podcast) wherever you listen!Read the amazing blog: Craig on Twitter: @CraigBaird 
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Theme song by Blank Sun:
