Thinking Religion

Thinking Religion

Latest Episodes

Thinking Religion 154: What’s the Point?
May 10, 2019

Merianna and Sam discuss cultural transitions and how churches of all sizes and shapes are positioning themselves in the midst of societal shifts.

Thinking Religion 153: The Myth of Needed Experience
May 02, 2019

Merianna and Sam discuss the notion of generational divides in politics, mattress buying, and church attendance.

The Moral Checklist
February 28, 2019

Merianna and Sam discuss old friends, new parenting techniques while attempting to figure out what makes the church different from the garden club.

Thinking Religion 151: Debating Narrative Preaching
February 22, 2019

Merianna and Sam (and newborn Baby Girl) discuss insider language in denominations, the LGBTQ question facing the United Methodist Church, narrative preaching, and the difficulties of studying for a sermon in 2019 in the age of unlimited entertainment.

Thinking Religion 150: True Love Waits For Instagram Stories to Load
February 13, 2019

Merianna and Sam tackle Instagram Stories, performative social media, and generational gender divides in reading the Scripture.

Thinking Religion 149: Insta Bible Study
February 08, 2019

Merianna and Sam discuss Instagram Bible studies, reading the whole Bible in a year, and the search for authenticity in a time of societal shifts.

Thinking Religion 148: Faith Is a Boomerang
August 21, 2018

The Rev. Lauren Larkin joins Sam to discuss birthing pangs in Genesis, the merits of demythologizing, and Dialectical Theology in the 21st Century.

Thinking Religion 147: Thinking Religion Again
July 28, 2018

Ready for the next episode? Here we go! THINKING RELIGION is coming back in August :)

Thinking Religion 146: And In the End
April 09, 2018

Dr. Thomas J. Whitley and The Rev. Sam Harrelson discuss things we pass down and the best way to sign off.

Thinking Religion 145: Thinking About the Term Partners
March 29, 2018

Dr. Thomas Whitley and The Rev. Sam Harrelson discuss the term "partners" in its modern context and whether or not it is performative for certain couples. That leads to a discussion about the role of social media in our lives if we could, in fact,
