The Weirdsphere

The Weirdsphere

Latest Episodes

Favourite Horror Books
October 25, 2016

With Halloween rapidly approaching we have formed a circle and gotten out the oujia board to summon our favourite horror novels.  Sadly horror-fiend Andy couldn't ...

Rogue One new trailer thoughts
October 23, 2016

A new trailer for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story has shown up.  Is this looking like a good expansion of the Star Wars universe ...

The Walking Dead season 6 & 7
October 20, 2016

Season 7 of The Walking Dead is about to lurch onto our screens and one of our cast of heroes (umm, well, protagonists anyway) look ...

TV review: Netflix’s Luke Cage
October 18, 2016

Sweet Christmas!  Are these Marvel Netflix series ever going to stop?  Well, let's hope not.  The latest, Luke Cage, is here and we've watched it ...

HBO’s Westworld - non-spoiler discussion
October 15, 2016

HBO is here again with a new series, a reboot/re-imagining of the 1973 film Westworld.  A couple of us watched the first two episodes and felt ...

Comics review round-up
October 11, 2016

In a change of pace, this week's Weirdsphere is a round-up of comic reviews of stuff we've been reading recently.  There's some suggestions for things ...

Book discussion: The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet - Becky Chambers
October 04, 2016

Wormholes in space don't just create themselves you know.  No, that's the job for a spaceship (calm now Barbara) with a small mixed species crew. ...

The current state of Marvel and DC comics
September 27, 2016

So both Marvel and DC have recently gotten out the broom and gone hard to work tidying and reorganising their comics universes.  Reboots and undoing ...

Post-apocalyptic and dystopian fiction
September 20, 2016

Tired of living in an (arguably) functioning society?  Does a barren nuclear irradiated wasteland sound like a great holiday destination to you?  Is your glass ...

Groundhog Day - A new musical
September 17, 2016

Groundhog Day is one of the greatest comedies ever to grace the big screen.  Would this translate into a good musical?  Hmm, it's possible I ...
