The Weirdsphere

The Weirdsphere

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Ancient film reviews: Interstellar
March 21, 2017

Continuing our voyage into the dim dark past, today we look at Christopher Nolan's 2014 film Interstellar.  A huge success both at the box office ...

Novel cover versions - reboots by other authors
March 14, 2017

Reboots are pretty common in films and TV, even comics do them, but this is not something seen in the world of prose novels.  In ...

Novel cover versions - reboots by other authors
March 14, 2017

Reboots are pretty common in films and TV, even comics do them, but this is not something seen in the world of prose novels.  In ...

Film review: The Great Wall
March 07, 2017

Like all sensible people, we can't get enough Matt Damon in our movies. Today's podcast looks at the recent Chinese film, The Great Wall, where ...

Film review: The Great Wall
March 07, 2017

Like all sensible people, we can't get enough Matt Damon in our movies. Today's podcast looks at the recent Chinese film, The Great Wall, where ...

Film review: The Lobster
February 28, 2017

One of the odder films of recent times, Yorgos Lanthimos' The Lobster is dystopian and slightly surreal story of a society where single people have a ...

Film review: The Lobster
February 28, 2017

One of the odder films of recent times, Yorgos Lanthimos' The Lobster is dystopian and slightly surreal story of a society where single people have a ...

Comic review: The Vision
February 21, 2017

This week we turn our attentions to a comic series released by Marvel about one of our least favourite characters, the Vision.  A 12 issue ...

Comic review: The Vision
February 21, 2017

This week we turn our attentions to a comic series released by Marvel about one of our least favourite characters, the Vision.  A 12 issue ...

Ancient film reviews: The Black Hole
February 14, 2017

Following our spaceship discussion, we sat down to watch the 1979 Disney film, The Black Hole.  Is there more to this movie than a pretty ...
